CKIT8 Two-Note Electric Doorbell Chime Kit with 16V/30VA Transformer & Surface Mount Lighted Push Button

CKIT8 Two-Note Electric Doorbell Chime Kit with 16V/30VA Transformer & Surface Mount Lighted Push Button

CKIT8 Two-Note Electric Doorbell Chime Kit with 16V/30VA Transformer & Surface Mount Lighted Push Button

  • CKIT8 door chime kit includes everything you need for a basic door chime setup: 1 door chime, 1 16V/30VA transformer and 1 surface mount lighted push-button.
  • Door chime is intended for hardwired installation and may be used with one or two doors. It features two distinctive chimes, 2-note melody for the front door and 1-note melody for the back door, so you'll know which door to head to.
  • Surface mount lighted push-button is quick and easy to install and can be mounted to the door frame or to the exterior wall of your home.
  • Door chime: 7-3/16W x 5 inch H - White
  • Doorbell Button: 7/8 x 5/8 x 2 3/4 inches – White